Where to start with CMP application? What’s first?
According to the Events Industry Council (EIC), the eligibility application should include your experience and dedication requirements (at the time of submission).
In this order-
Step 1: Complete your OMNIPEAR course. We will submit your 25 CEUs for you and you will receive an email confirmation.
Step 2: Submit your application. Be sure to include your resume or other documentation to confirm your experience eligibility. Most of us who worked in the industry will qualify. If you are in doubt, please send us an email and we will review your resume and offer edits. (Cost: $250 non-refundable paid to EIC).
Step 3: When approved, you will have 12 months to schedule the CMP exam. (Cost: non-refundable paid to EIC). EIC offers at home and at site testing.
Step 5: Recommended that you revisit your study plan and reach out to us to conduct your “2-week burn session” 2 weeks prior to your exam date.
I hope this helps. You got this! Ana
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